Ardumower Gasoline

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Ardumower Gasoline R/C is an ordinary gasoline powered mower converted to remote control (R/C) using Ardumower parts.

Ardumower gasoline1.jpg Ardumower gasoline5.jpg

Parts list

Click on a part for more details:


Find a place on your mower for the gear motors. Use the clamping elements and the tire adapters to attach the tires to the motors.

Ardumower gasoline3.jpg Ardumower gasoline6.jpg

Free wheel

Use 4 screws and a plate to support the free wheel. Ardumower gasoline4.jpg

Control box

Mount the Ardumower Power Pack battery, emergency switch, fuse holder, BTS7960 motor drivers, Arduino Nano, DC/DC converter and the model R/C receiver in a box.

Ardumower gasoline2.jpg Ardumower gasoline7.jpg


Connect the components as shown below.

Ardumower gasoline schematics.png

Connect your left BTS7960 motor driver to these Arduino pins:

left BTS7960   Arduino pin
GND            GND
VCC            +5V
R_EN           A1  
L_EN           A0
R_PWM          9
L_PWM          10

Connect your right BTS7960 motor driver to these Arduino pins:

right BTS7960   Arduino pin
GND             GND
VCC             +5V
R_EN            A3
L_EN            A2
R_PWM           3
L_PWM           11

Connect your model R/C receiver to these Arduino pins:

model R/C channel   Arduino pin
GND                 GND
VCC                 +5V
CH_Steering         5  
CH_Speed            6


Finally, upload this code to your Arduino Nano: