AzuritBer Pi Firmware (English): Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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If you already know how raspberry PI work with desktop ,You can follow the fast setup process locate into github under Txt File Setup_raspberry.rtf
If you already know how raspberry PI work with desktop ,You can follow the fast setup process locate into github under Txt File Setup_raspberry.rtf
In other case simply follow the full WIKI
If you never work with Raspberry simply follow the full WIKI
==Build the SD Card==
==Build the SD Card==

Version vom 8. November 2020, 17:42 Uhr

Level 2 Raspberry Pi

A Raspberry Pi is connected over Due Native USB to the arduino

What you need

1 Raspberry PI 3B+ or PI4 (The Pizero W can work but very slowly and it's not the goal).Pi3 board.jpg

1 DC/DC voltage regulator to power the PI.Minumum 5A version from marotronicsDC DC 5A.jpg

Connect P17 to input of the DC/DC voltage regulator and connect a micro usb cable to output Warning.png(ADJUST the output voltage to 5V before plug the PI)

1 USB mouse,keyboard for setting.You can simply use a standard one for the setting and disconnect it after But it's also possible to use a small one like that to drive the mower remotely in manual mode.Small keyboard1.jpg

1 SD Card 32 GB class 10Sd card.jpg

1 PowerBank or DC/DC voltage regulator connected to PCB1.3 or power supply for the raspberry pi minimum 3A

1 HDMI cable to see the PI desktop on your TV or HDMI Screen.

1 TV or monitor with HDMI input to easily see the raspberry IP adress on the first boot.

Advanced user

If you already know how raspberry PI work with desktop ,You can follow the fast setup process locate into github under Txt File Setup_raspberry.rtf

If you never work with Raspberry simply follow the full WIKI

Build the SD Card

You need to first write the raspbian OS on the SD Card .

It's easy using the main site.

You can connect you Micro SD CARD to your laptop or PC using correct adaptor

No need to format at the point but All Data present on it will be destroyed.

Connect to :

Buster001.png and select the Download page

Buster002.png Select Raspberry Pi Imager for Windows

Wait until the download is finish and launch the downloaded prog.

Buster003.png Select Choose OS

Buster004.png Use the recommended one with Desktop

Buster005.png Select Choose SD CARD

Buster006.png Select your SD CARD Be careful to select the correct one.

Buster007.png Select Write and wait until down (can take 15 to 60 Min according your internet speed).

Remove the SD CARD for your PC.

PI Initial boot with Desktop

Connect everything on the PI ; Here the Ethernet cable is used but it's also possible to use WIFI

USB Dongle for mouse.

HDMI cable from PI to TV or monitor. (Without TV or monitor is also possible : Search on Google and Youtube)

Ethernet cable if possible or WIFI (On first boot the PI need a good connection to the net for last update)

Power (5V if you use DC/DC voltage regulator) on Micro USB


On first start you can see expand sd card,reboot and welcome message with the IP Address for Ethernet

First start 1.png

Select your language and location.

First start 02.png

Change password and remember it (we need it later to connect to PI over wifi) For easy wiki : Pass001 but use another one

First start 2.png

Setup screen, simply click next

First start 3.png

On the WIFI connecting page select the WIFI network that you want to use for all the setting duration (You can change it later for an outdoor one)

First start 4.png

Enter your wifi password and follow the next update step (can take again 10 to 30 minutes)

First start 5.png


We need to activate VNC serveur to whare the desktop with your PC.

Using Start icon : Go to Préférence and Configuration du Raspberry

First start 10.png

In the Tab Interfaces Activate SSH and VNC

First start 11.png

Now on the upper right corner of the desktop a new icon show that VNC Serveur is running .

Move your mouse on the Ethernet or Wifi icon to see the IP adress of the ethernet and WIFI one.

The WIFI one is the most important (Here

First start 12.png

Disconnect the ethernet cable and Reboot (Not Shutdown) All Using Start icon and Log Out.

First start 1201.png

First Remote PC connection over Wifi


Pi is running and you can see the desktop

PC SIDE or Tablet / Phone

Remember that we set the Password to Pass001 and ip adress of the PI WIFI is

You have many possiblity (SSH viewer, MobaXterm, Remote Desktop etc...) , In this case I use free real VNC Viewer (Not VNC Serveur) to connect to the PI over your network.

Go to

And select the correct donwload according your platform.

First start 20.png

Instal the software and start it (VNC Viewer). In your case the tab is empty (No RL1000,Denna etc....)

First start 21.png

On upper left choose File / New Connection

First start 22.png

Into VNC Serveur : enter the IP of the raspberry (ethernet or WIFI adress) and give a name to the connection.

First start 23.png

It's possible that a new security box is shown on the screen Select Continue

First start 24.png

You can see the new Connection named Ardumower Double click on it.

UserName is pi and password is Pass001 or the one you choose on first start part.Check remember password

First start 25.png

The Clone of the Pi desktop is now on your PC and you can do everything exactly like if you use localy the raspberry ,But from your Sofa

First start 26.png

Pi Software part


You need to send some command to the PI Terminal to install some software.

To see the terminal click on the >_ icon in the taskbar

Pi soft 10.png

Copy and past all the following command in the terminal after the $ for the rest of this wiki part

sudo apt-get update 

Pi soft 20.png

sudo apt-get upgrade

This download can take a lot of time , so be patient and answer Yes to upgrade

Pi soft 30.png

Python3 Idle use Python3 , so we need to install the idle to have access to it and edit if needed (answer Yes for installing)

sudo apt-get install idle3

Pi soft 40.png

At the end of the Python idle installation you need to have a new icon into Start / Programing menu.

Pi soft 50.png


It's possible to drive the mower in Manual mode with PS4 joystick but need pygame software (Maybe already include but it's better to do it)

sudo apt-get install python3-pygame

Pi soft 60.png

Paho Mqtt

It's possible to controle mower over mqtt and use Home Automation but need python3 paho software part.

sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt

Pi soft 70.png

KST Plot

Piardu use software named KST to plot all the data

Seach KST Plot on Google for more info . Again copy and past this into the Pi terminal:

sudo apt-get install kst

Pi soft 80.png


Some file need to be in unix format ,so a conversion is needed using DosToUnix

sudo apt-get install dos2unix

Pi soft 65.png

Arduino IDE

It's possible to update the due firmware from Piardu over WIFI but need the ARDUINO IDE in the raspberry.

The process is describe perfectly in this video

Here screenshot of the 07/11/2020 download page for Arduino 1.8.13 version : Choose Linux ARM 32 bits

Pi soft 100.png Pi soft 101.png Pi soft 102.png

Go to file manager home / pi / Downloads and right click to the downloaded file ,select extract here (WAIT before you see something appear)

Pi soft 110.png

Now open again the terminal windows (>_ icon on upper left) and copy these command (it can take time)

cd Downloads/arduino-1.8.13
sudo ./

Pi soft 115.png

Do not take care about the error message.

You can see now the arduino icon into start / programming, start the prog to be sure everything is OK.

Pi soft 120.png

Add the ARDUINO DUE in the board list

Pi soft 125.png

Search for DUE : and select arduino SAM Boards

Pi soft 130.png

Again it can take time,so Wait until process finish.

Normaly arduino ide is not use and only a command line is used to update Due firmware but to be sure the folder name stay always the same  : Go to file Preferences and deactivate the Search for update.

Pi soft 135.png

PiArdu Software

You need to copy all the Github file locate into Piardumower folder inside the Raspberry PI home/pi/Documents folder.

Using VNC Viewer :

First initiate the correct location for file transfert

Click VNC Serveur icon on desktop upper right near Bluetooth icon

Click Menu icon on VNC CONNECT upper right page

Select File Transfert in the menu list

In bottom right of the next page select other folder and choose home/pi/Documents.

Pi soft 205.png

Now download all the file: Move your mouse in upper middle of the desktop to see the VNC transfert icon and select it Click on send file

Pi soft 200.png Pi soft 208.png

Navigate into your PC to find the github master downloaded file and select piardumower and validate using the FULL FOLDER in bottom right

Pi soft 210.png

If everything is OK you can see now the entire folder correctly locate in home/pi/Documents

Pi soft 215.png

Set permission to everyone for all the piardumower file

Open a terminal (>_ icon ondesktop) and send the 5 command

cd Documents
sudo chown -R pi:pi PiArdumower
sudo chmod -R 755 PiArdumower

Pi soft 220.png

Add start to desktop using a shell command:

cd PiArdumower
mv /home/pi/Desktop

Pi soft 221.png

A new file is now present on desktop and can be use to start the

Change into for the first start of Piardu (Deactivate momentary the DUE serial link to avoid error)

Start / Programming / Python3 IDLE

Pi soft 230.png

And into Python Shell select File Open home/pi/Documents/Piardumower/

Pi soft 235.png

Now change DueconnectedOnPi from True to False

Pi soft 240.png

Save and close the file but keep the shell open

Now from Python Shell select File Open home/pi/Documents/Piardumower/ and click on Run / Run Module or hit F5

Piardu need to start without error into Shell windows (No red Line)

Pi soft 250.png

And you can navigate inside all the menu with a fast response.

To work correctly some file need to be converted into Unix format:

Open the terminal and copy these command

cd Documents/PiArdumower
cd ~/Desktop

Pi soft 75.png

DUE Connection

If You can't remove the DUE from PCB1.3 ,it's not a problem but you need to power the raspberry using the DC/DC voltage regulator under the same battery

Warning.pngFIRST ADJUST THE DC/DC TO 5V OUTPUT or you are going to destroy the raspberry

From PCB1.3 24V P17 -->IN DC/DC OUT--> 5V micro USB Raspberry PI

You can also connect Arduino Due without the PCB1.3 to PI using USB Cable Never use a charging cable only DATA cable (DUE is powered by the raspberry ,so it's very easy)

Pi soft 300.png

Change again into to activate the DUE serial link.

Start / Programming / Python3 IDLE

Pi soft 230.png

And into Python Shell select File Open home/pi/Documents/Piardumower/

Pi soft 235.png

Change DueconnectonPi from False to True

Also set UseDebugConsole to True

Pi soft 241.png

Save and close the file but keep the shell open

Now from Python Shell select File Open home/pi/Documents/Piardumower/ and click on Run / Run Module or hit F5

Piardu need to start and you can navigate inside all the menu very slowly if there are no firmware in the arduino DUE so wait

Pi soft 250.png

Warning.pngIf Raspberry is powered using PCB1.3 JUMPER JP8 NEED TO BE IN ALWAYS ON POSITION if you forget to change JP8 position. During the DUE flash, PCB can power off raspberry . In this case you need to upload again the sketch from your PC using DUE programming port

On PiArdu click Back icon and Setting icon

Pi soft 305.png

On setting main tab use Update the DUE Firmware button and click on Start Flash

Pi soft 310.png

Wait until DUE FLASHER window is closed

Again click Back icon and Setting icon and click on Reboot All

The Raspberry and DUE reboot

if you use the PCB1.3 maybe you need to activate raspberryPi use to YES into arduremote / Setting / Raspberry.

Automatic start on Power up:

In terminal use text editor named nano to start each time the Pi is power up

sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

and at the end of the file add the line below ,Be careful mouse don't work inside the editor,so paste the line at the correct location , error in this file can corrupt the PI starting process

@bash /home/pi/Desktop/

Pi soft 237.png

Use Ctrl X to exit and save the change in autostart.

Reboot the PI ,Normally Piardu automatically start with some error if DUE is not plug in PCB1.3 or without error if PCB1.3 is used.

If you can't see the bottom red line with date time : check if you have activate raspberryPi to YES using Arduremote / Setting /raspberry

Go to Piardu auto page and click on OFF to reset all eventual error.