Ardumower Gasoline

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Ardumower Gasoline R/C is an ordinary gasoline powered mower converted to remote control (R/C) using Ardumower parts.

Ardumower gasoline1.jpg Ardumower gasoline5.jpg Ardumower remote.jpg


Parts list

All parts can be purchased in the shop Shopping.png. Click on a part for more details:


Find a place on your mower for the gear motors. Use the clamping elements and the tire adapters to attach the tires to the motors.

Ardumower gasoline3.jpg Ardumower gasoline6.jpg

Free wheel

Use 4 screws and a plate to support the free wheel. Ardumower gasoline4.jpg

Control box

Mount the Ardumower Power Pack battery, emergency switch, fuse holder, BTS7960 motor drivers, Arduino Nano, DC/DC converter and the model R/C receiver in a box.

Ardumower gasoline2.jpg Ardumower gasoline7.jpg


Connect the components as shown below. The emergency switch is to switch on and off the battery. The fuse holder will hold the 4A fuse. The diode is used to get down the battery voltage by at least 0.5 volt so the overvoltage protection of the BTS7960 motor drivers does not take place when the battery is fully charged. The DC/DC converter converts the Ardumower Power Pack battery 24v down to 9v for the Arduino voltage input. The motor drivers control the two motors via the Arduino Nano. The signal of two model R/C receiver channels are sent to the Arduino Nano allowing the user to steer the mower and to control the speed. The charging socket is used to connect the Ardumower charger for charging the battery.

Ardumower gasoline schematics.png

Wiring Arduino and motor drivers


Connect your left BTS7960 motor driver to these Arduino pins:

left BTS7960   Arduino pin
GND            GND
VCC            +5V
R_EN           A1  
L_EN           A0
R_PWM          9
L_PWM          10

Connect your right BTS7960 motor driver to these Arduino pins:

right BTS7960   Arduino pin
GND             GND
VCC             +5V
R_EN            A3
L_EN            A2
R_PWM           3
L_PWM           11

Wiring Arduino and model R/C receiver


Connect your model R/C receiver to these Arduino pins:

model R/C receiver   Arduino pin
GND                  GND
VCC                  +5V
CH_Steering          5  
CH_Speed             6

Arduino code upload


Finally, download the Arduino IDE and upload this code to your Arduino Nano:

  1. Download and install Arduino IDE
  2. Upload this code to your Arduino Nano: