Ardumower Mini

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This page describes the 'Ardumower Mini' that can be used to implement a full Ardumower for indoor software development and that you can purchase via the shop Shopping.png

Needed parts



  1. Ardumower mini
  2. Ardumower mini tracking perimeter wire


NOTE: Do not use more than 7 volt to operate the DC motors!

1. Motor driver

1.1 For L298N motor driver

+5v  --- leave open
+12v --- LiPo 2s battery 7volt (+) 
GND  --- LiPo 2s battery 7volt (-)
ENA  --- insert jumper (enables OUT1,2)
IN1  --- Arduino pinMotorLeftPWM  (see code)
IN2  --- Arduino pinMotorLeftDir  (see code)
IN3  --- Arduino pinMotorRightPWM (see code)
IN4  --- Arduino pinMotorRightDir (see code)
ENB  --- insert jumper (enables OUT3,4)
S1   --- insert jumper (enables 5v regulator for +12v voltage input)
OUT1 --- left motor (+)
OUT2 --- left motor (-)
OUT3 --- right motor (+)
OUT4 --- right motor (-)

1.2 For MC33926 motor driver

M1_FB     --- Arduino pinMotorLeftSense (see code)
M1_SF     --- Arduino pinMotorLeftFault (see code)
M1_PWM_D1 --- connect with jumper to GND
M1_PWM_D2 --- connect with jumper to VDD
M1_IN1    --- Arduino pinMotorLeftPWM (see code)
M1_IN2    --- Arduino pinMotorLeftDir (see code)
EN        --- Arduino pinMotorEnable  (see code)
M2_FB     --- Arduino pinMotorRightSense (see code)
M2_SF     --- Arduino pinMotorRightFault (see code)
M2_PWM_D1 --- connect with jumper to GND
M2_PWM_D2 --- connect with jumper to VDD
M2_IN1    --- Arduino pinMotorRightPWM (see code)
M2_IN2    --- Arduino pinMotorRightDir (see code)
EN        --- Arduino pinMotorEnable (see code)
VDD       --- Arduino 5V 
M1OUT1    --- left motor (+)
M1OUT2    --- left motor (-)
M2OUT1    --- right motor (+)
M2OUT2    --- right motor (-)
VIN       --- LiPo 2s battery 7volt (+)
GND       --- LiPo 2s battery 7volt (-)

2. Arduino Mega

Power jack       ---  LiPo 2s battery 7volt (outside-/inside+)
pinMotorLeftPWM  ---  left motor speed (see code
pinMotorLeftDir  ---  left motor direction (see code)
pinMotorRightPWM ---  right motor speed (see code)
pinMotorRightDir ---  right motor direction (see code)

2. Sonar (ultrasonic)

3. Model R/C

4. IMU (compass/gyro/accel)