Arduino Crash Kurs
1. Dein erstes Programm
Die setup-Funktion wird beim Programmstart einmal durchlaufen. Hier kann man Dinge durchführen, die nur einmal nach dem Arduino-Reset ausgeführt werden sollen. Die Loop-Funktion hingegen wird unendlich oft durchlaufen.
// Die setup-Funktion wird beim Programmstart einmal durchlaufen. void setup() { } // Die loop-Funktion wird unendlich oft wiederholt. void loop() { }
1. Baue folgende Zeile in die setup-Funktion ein:
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Pin 13 soll als Ausgang konfiguriert werden
2. Baue folgende Zeilen in die loop-Funktion ein:
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Pin 13 soll auf HIGH ( 5 Volt ) gesetzt werden delay(1000); // Warte 1000 Millisekunden (= 1 Sekunde) digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Pin 13 soll auf LOW ( 0 Volt/Masse ) gesetzt werden delay(1000); // Warte 1000 Millisekunden (= 1 Sekunde)
1. Lösung
// Die setup-Funktion wird beim Programmstart einmal durchlaufen. void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Pin 13 soll als Ausgang konfiguriert werden } // Die loop-Funktion wird unendlich oft wiederholt. void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Pin 13 soll auf HIGH ( 5 Volt ) gesetzt werden delay(1000); // Warte 1000 Millisekunden (= 1 Sekunde) digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Pin 13 soll auf LOW ( 0 Volt/Masse ) gesetzt werden delay(1000); // Warte 1000 Millisekunden (= 1 Sekunde) }
2. Dein erstes Programm mit Variablen und serieller Konsole
1. Ersetze die Pin-Nummer "13" durch eine Variable welche Du außerhalb von Funktionen definierst:
int pinLED = 13; // die Variable namens "pinLED" soll den Wert 13 bekommen
2. Ersetze nun überall dort die "13" durch "pinLED" wo der LED-Pin benutzt wird.
3. Teste Dein Programm einmal.
4. Baue folgende Zeile in die setup-Funktion ein:
Serial.begin(115200); // serielle Konsole für 115200 Baud konfigurieren Serial.println("START"); // Text auf serielle Konsole ausgeben
5. Baue folgende Zeilen in die loop-Funktion ein:
Serial.println("LED EIN"); // Text auf serielle Konsole ausgeben Serial.println("LED AUS"); // Text auf serielle Konsole ausgeben
2. Lösung
int pinLED = 13; // die Variable namens "pinLED" soll den Wert 13 bekommen // Die setup-Funktion wird beim Programmstart einmal durchlaufen. void setup() { pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT); // PinLED soll als Ausgang konfiguriert werden Serial.begin(115200); // serielle Konsole für 115200 Baud konfigurieren Serial.println("START"); // Text auf serielle Konsole ausgeben } // Die loop-Funktion wird unendlich oft wiederholt. void loop() { digitalWrite(pinLED, HIGH); // PinLED soll auf HIGH ( 5 Volt ) gesetzt werden Serial.println("LED EIN"); // Text auf serielle Konsole ausgeben delay(1000); // Warte 1000 Millisekunden (= 1 Sekunde) digitalWrite(pinLED, LOW); // PinLED soll auf LOW ( 0 Volt/Masse ) gesetzt werden Serial.println("LED AUS"); // Text auf serielle Konsole ausgeben delay(1000); // Warte 1000 Millisekunden (= 1 Sekunde) }
Everything that can be calculated is an expression. Expressions are used to compute things. We will use expressions later for variables or functions calls.
Examples for expressions:
13 => can be computed to 13 (it's simple right?) 2 * 13 => can be computed to 26 42 - 9 * 100 => can be computed as everything is known to compute it a + b - c + 20 => can be computed if a, b and c are known
A memory variable can contain a value (integer number, floating number, text character etc.). It is useful to use variables instead of repeating hard wired numbers. Here the same example, this time using a variable for the LED pin:
// declare an integer variable named 'pinLED' and assign it the value 13 int pinLED = 13; // this is a comment void setup() { pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT); // here, we use the variable named 'pinLED' instead of the hard-wired number } void loop() { digitalWrite(pinLED, HIGH); // here, we use again the variable 'pinLED' delay(1000); digitalWrite(pinLED, LOW); // here, we use again the variable 'pinLED' delay(1000); }
Try it out! Variables can be integer number, floating numbers, logical (TRUE/FALSE), and text characters:
int someIntegerNumber = 42; boolean someLogical = TRUE; float someFloatingNumber = 3.1419; char someCharacters[] = "Hello World";
A variable's contents can be re-assigned at any time in the program:
int pinLED = 13; // declare variable named pinLED and initialize it with value 13 pinLED = 12; // assign pinLED a new value (12)
You can even use calculations/expressions:
int A = 4; int B = A * 42 + 15;
You may wonder what the values 'HIGH' and 'LOW' in the above code example are. These are integer constants that the Arduino library already did define for you (HIGH = 1, LOW = 0). Using variables and constants makes code more human-readable.
We did use three pre-defined functions already in above code which are already defined by the Arduino library:
pinMode digitalWrite delay
Additionally, we already defined ourselves two functions in above code: 'setup' and 'loop'. Functions group commands into blocks. These blocks are then called by the name of the function. A function can also have input parameters, and one output parameter.
// Declares a function named 'writeAndWait' to set LED to a given value (HIGH/LOW) and wait void writeAndWait(int value){ digitalWrite(pinLED, value); // here, we use the parameter 'value' instead of a fixed HIGH/LOW value delay(1000); }
Now we can use that new function to make the main loop more readable:
void loop() { writeAndWait(HIGH); // call function with 'HIGH' (for parameter 'value') writeAndWait(LOW); // call function with 'LOW' (for parameter 'value') }
After each statement (variable assignment, function call etc.) we make a semicolon. The semicolon divides the current statement and the next statement. Try it out!
Optionally, a function can return a value. In this example, the function named 'addSomething' will compute the sum of its input parameters 'a' and 'b' and return that computed sum.
int addSomething(int a, int b){ return a + b; }
Now you use your new function to compute the sum of any integer values:
int c = addSomething( 4, 5 );
Serial console output and text
To get feedback from your Arduino, you may want to use the serial console. Let's see a simple example. Run this program and open your Arduino IDE serial console (CTRL+SHIFT+M) at 19200 baud and look if it returns the text.
void setup(){ Serial.begin(19200); // set the baud rate to use } void loop(){ Serial.println("Hello world"); // output the text to Arduino serial console delay(1000); }
For-loops and blocks
To repeat things, use for-loops. This example will repeat outputting the text by using a variable ('counter') that counts from 0 to 3. Each time the loop is executed, the variable 'counter' will increase by one:
Hello 0 Hello 1 Hello 2 Hello 3 ... then the main loop restarts...
The example uses a block indicated by '{ ... }'. Everything that is inside this block is run each time the for-loop increases.
void loop(){ for (int counter=0; counter < 4; counter++) { Serial.print("Hello "); Serial.println(counter); } delay(1000); }
Try it out!
Digital input
Let's read the ouside world - we'll read the state of digital pin 5 in this example. We use the Arduino internal pull-up resistor (so pin 5 is HIGH when the switch is open). Simply connect pin 5 to GND to make the switch going LOW.
int pinSwitch = 5; // connect this pin to GND to activate the switch int pinLED = 13; // we use the Arduino onboard LED void setup(){ // configure the switch pin to use the Arduino internal pull-up resistor pinMode(pinSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(19200); } void loop(){ // read the value of the switch pin - it is '1' when HIGH, and '0' when LOW. int value = digitalRead( pinSwitch ); Serial.print("The switch is "); Serial.println( value ); // write the value to the LED pin - it will be HIGH when writing a '1', and LOW when writing a '0'. digitalWrite( pinLED, value ); delay(1000); }
Try it out!
For running code based on conditions, use if-clauses. If the condition for the if-clause evaluates to logical-TRUE, the first block is called, otherwise the else block.
void loop(){ int value = digitalRead ( pinSwitch ); if (value == HIGH){ Serial.println( "The switch is HIGH" ); } else { Serial.println( "The switch is LOW" ); } delay(1000); }
Conditions can be more complex of course:
if (numberX > 5)... // variable 'numberX' must be larger than 5 if (numberX > numberY) ... // variable 'numberX' must be larger than variable 'numberY' if (numberX == numberY) ... // 'numberX ' must be equal 'numberY' if (numberX < numberY) ... // 'numberX' must be smaller than 'numberY'
Also you can combine multiple conditions:
if ( (number > 5) && (number < 10) )... // logical AND: both conditions must be TRUE if ( (number < 5) || (number > 10) )... // logical OR: only one condition must be TRUE
What you have learned
- Variables can contain numbers (integer, float) or text (characters) and are placeholders for them.
- Functions can containe blocks of code and are placeholders for the blocks.