Odometry ru

Aus www.wiki.ardumower.de
Version vom 23. August 2015, 15:08 Uhr von Unlogic (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Motor controller (PID))

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Latest Ardumower code requires motor encoders for odometry. Using odometry you can calculate the robot's speed and the short-term position of the robot. This works by counting the rotations of left and right wheel (motor encoders - required by latest Ardumower software).

Currently, odometry is used:

  • to ensure the robot left and right wheel are turning the same speed (in forward direction)

Encoder pinout (Ardumower motors)

The Ardumower has a 2-channel encoder with 5 pulses at one cycle of motor multiplied by gear ratio 1:212, resulting in 1060 encoder ticks per one full tire resolution.

Wiring/pinout of motor encoder connector:

green  ---- GND
brown  ---- VCC
blue   ---- odometry1
purple ---- odometry2

IMPORTANT: PCB v0.5/1.2 are missing pull-ups! You need to add them yourself:

odometry1 --- 4.7k --- 5v
odometry2 --- 4.7k --- 5v

Signal of odometry encoders

Forward: pin1 makes LOW->HIGH transition and pin2 = HIGH
Reverse: pin1 makes LOW->HIGH transition and pin2 = LOW

Do-It-Yourself encoders


VCC           pinArduino
+--13 KOhm----+-------Collector  Emitter---GND
+--380 Ohm------------Anode      Kathode---GND

Differential drive

By adding (integrating) Odometry speed, we can calculate distance and heading.

Distance per wheel:

left_cm  = ticksLeft  / odometryTicksPerCm
right_cm = ticksRight / odometryTicksPerCm


wheel_theta = (left_cm - right_cm) / odometryWheelBaseCm
odometryTheta += wheel_theta

Overall distance:

avg_cm  = (left_cm + right_cm) / 2.0
odometryX += avg_cm * sin(odometryTheta)
odometryY += avg_cm * cos(odometryTheta)

Ground measurement error

By adding (integrating) Odometry speed, we can calculate distance and heading. However, as we are adding a small error each time (due to not exact physical ground measurement), distance and angle errors are increasing. This can be solved by sensor fusion.

Регулятор скорости мотора (ПИД)

Скорость двигателей регулируется с помощью программного ПИД-регулятора. Вы можете следить за качеством управления скорости через pfodApp (Plot->Motor control):


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