Brushless Adapter

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ArduMower Brushless Adapter

Brushless Adapter

The ArduMower Brushless Adapter (BLA) is to connect the Brushless Driver with the PCB1.x. The BLA has already the Version 1.1. It fixes a motor start if you pull the flat cable. Therefore, you must pay attention what combination of BLA and BL Motor Driver you have.

ArduMower Brushless Adapter V1.0 (Stand10.01.2021) with BL Motordriver 1.0

This runs without any change. BUT please take care that the flat cable is connected when you power on the mover! It is recommended to fix the flat cable connector in the socket with a little spot of glue / hot glue! Reffer also to the Bug Fix at the end of this page.

ArduMower Brushless Adapter V1.0 (Stand10.01.2021) with BL Motordriver 1.1

ArduMower Brushless Adapter V1.1 with BL Motordriver 1.1 This runs without any change. Also the Bug Fix (220nF Odometry Entry) is not needed.

Bug fix

if you use ArduMower Brushless Adapter V1.0 (Stand10.01.2021): The odometry divider on PCB 1.x caused a problem with the BL odometry signal. The ArduMower will drive not synchronized, one wheel is slower. You can fix it with a 220nF an each ot the odometry inputs. Take care that you use the latest version of sunray SW.

Not needed for Brushless Adapter V1.1 or higher.

220nF at each odometry input