Ardumower Mini

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This page describes the 'Ardumower Mini' that can be used to implement a full Ardumower for indoor software development and that you can purchase via the shop Shopping.png

Needed parts



  1. Ardumower mini
  2. Ardumower mini tracking perimeter wire


1. Motor driver

1.1 For L298N motor driver

+5v  leave open
+12v LiPo 2s battery 7volt (+)
GND  LiPo 2s battery 7volt (-)
ENA  insert jumper (enable OUT1,2)
IN1  Arduino pinMotorLeftPWM  (see code)
IN2  Arduino pinMotorLeftDir  (see code)
IN3  Arduino pinMotorRightPWM (see code)
IN4  Arduino pinMotorRightDir (see code)
ENB  insert jumper (enable OUT3,4)
S1   insert jumper (enable 5v regulator)
OUT1 left motor (+)
OUT2 left motor (-)
OUT3 right motor (+)
OUT4 right motor (-)

1.2 For MC33926 motor driver

M1_FB     --- Arduino pinMotorLeftSense (see code)
M1_SF     --- Arduino pinMotorLeftFault (see code)
M1_PWM_D1 --- connect with jumper to GND
M1_PWM_D2 --- connect with jumper to VDD
M1_IN1    --- Arduino pinMotorLeftPWM (see code)
M1_IN2    --- Arduino pinMotorLeftDir (see code)
EN        --- Arduino pinMotorEnable  (see code)
M2_FB     --- Arduino pinMotorRightSense (see code)
M2_SF     --- Arduino pinMotorRightFault (see code)
M2_PWM_D1 --- connect with jumper to GND
M2_PWM_D2 --- connect with jumper to VDD
M2_IN1    --- Arduino pinMotorRightPWM (see code)
M2_IN2    --- Arduino pinMotorRightDir (see code)
EN        --- Arduino pinMotorEnable (see code)
VDD       --- Arduino 5V 
M1OUT1    --- left motor (+)
M1OUT2    --- left motor (-)
M2OUT1    --- right motor (+)
M2OUT2    --- right motor (-)
VIN       --- LiPo 2s battery 7volt (+)
GND       --- LiPo 2s battery 7volt (-)

2. Arduino Mega

Power jack       ---  LiPo 2s battery 7volt (outside-/inside+)
pinMotorLeftPWM  ---  left motor speed (see code
pinMotorLeftDir  ---  left motor direction (see code)
pinMotorRightPWM ---  right motor speed (see code)
pinMotorRightDir ---  right motor direction (see code)

2. Sonar (ultrasonic)

3. Model R/C

4. IMU (compass/gyro/accel)