AzuritBer RFID option (English)

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It's the standard PCB1.3 or 1.4 and BT module is ESP32 one , a PN5180 RFID reader is connected to the ESP32

You need : PN5180 reader board , some card , ESP32 DEV KIT V1 (or later but with same pin diagram).

PN5180.png Esp32 layout.png

PN5180 use SPI interface to communicate with ESP32 and ESP32 DEV KIT replace the bluetooth module HC05 to communicate with PCB1.3, so you can build a small PCB to connect all wire, or order some of them from JLCPCB for example (The same board is also use to build the WIFI sender.)

Rfid wiring.jpg

Do not forget the jumper JP4 and JP10

Rfid wiring jumper.png

Here the first version with wrap on small PCB:

Rfid esp32.jpg

and the PCB (see easyeda and file locate on AZURITBER github) use to connect everything (Rfid reader / PCB1.3 / Wifi sender)

Rfid wiring 10 .png Rfid wiring 20 .png Rfid wiring 30 .png

Put PN5180 board inside your platform as near as possible form ground (Max 10 CM) , no problem with motor or other electronic noise.

Using arduino IDE , You can download firmware inside ESP32 to have everything working :

If everything is OK you can see Last Rfid tag code in console or into Arduremote each time you move a tag near the reader

ArduRemote Setting gps rfid.jpg Piardu console 3.png