WIFI Perimeter Sender(English)

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WIFI Perimeter sender.



You need :

1 ESP32 DEV KIT V1 (or later but with same pin diagram).

Esp32-1.jpg Esp32-2.jpg Esp32 layout.png

1 INA3221 3-Channel DC Current Sensor :


1 I2C Small OLED Display


1 DC/DC Converter

DC DC converter.jpg

1 L298N motor Driver.



Now you need to connect everything together.

Option 1

It's the same that standard sender Only one perimeter wire is used.

Option 2

2 area perimeter wire are possible.


Use code locate into github: https://github.com/Boilevin/AzuritBer/tree/master/Sender%20WIFI

Select for example sender_ESP32_INA3221_2loops (it's the 2 loops version)

Now check the 40 firsts line of code and adjust according your need.

You need to use Arduino IDE to upload code into ESP32, It's easy and exactly same process that for Arduino DUE or Mega ,but need to select the correct board.

Add the ESP32 board to your arduino IDE: for more info see : https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/docs/arduino-ide/boards_manager.md

Open your Arduino Ide 1.8 or later

Select ESP32 DEV Module and correct COM port

Ide-setting-30.png Ide-setting-35.png

To upload code do not forget : At the end of compilation when you see "connecting ....." --> push the BOOT button locate on ESP32 DEV KIT for 5 sec to start uploading

Ide-setting-40.png Esp32 boot.png