Wheel Motor

Aus www.wiki.ardumower.de
Version vom 2. Januar 2016, 13:17 Uhr von Pierlau38 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Motors testing)

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Wheel motors caracteristics & driver

The two left and right gear motors are controlled independently (aka 'differential driving') to:

  • drive the robot forward/backward
  • steer the robot left/right

The Ardumower wheel motor features:

  • A rotation speed up to 31 rpm allows to move the robot at sufficient speed (at up to meter/sec = 31rpm/60 * PI * 0.25m = 0.4m/sec using 250mm diameter wheels)
  • A high torque (2.45Nm) guarantees that the robot can climb small hills as well (with 2 motors, 0.125 radius wheel, 31rpm = 0.4m/s, acceleration = 0.2 ( 1/2 of nomeinal speed) up to 14 degree) see calculator
  • Integrated encoders, so it can measure the rotation speed, the distance and the direction (see Odometry for more information) - Encoders are REQUIRED for Ardumower software.
  • 24V (load current ~1A)


Using motor driver MC33926 :

Right | Left

Pin 33 | Pin 31 One pin controls the direction (forward/backward)

Pin 03 | Pin 05 the other pin controls the speed.

Pin A0 | Pin A1 One analog input pin is connected to the current sensor.

Pin 27 | Pin 25 input pin to read fault

Protector board is adviced to be used between controler and motor.

Alternative solution

The current sensor module (ACS712-05A) is connected in series with the motor.

Control principal : PWM frequency

The speed of the motor is controlled by a PWM duty signal. We use the Arduino default PWM frequency (490 Hz) to control the motor drivers.

Motor controller (PID)

The speed of the motors is controlled by a software PID controller. You can monitor the quality of the motor speed control via pfodApp (Plot->Motor control):


Motor variables

   // --------- wheel motor state ----------------------------
   // wheel motor speed ( <0 backward, >0 forward); range -motorSpeedMaxRpm..motorSpeedMaxRpm
   //                                   [Default value]
   float motorAccel  ;          // motor wheel acceleration - only functional when odometry is not in use
                                // (warning: do not set too high) [1000]
   int motorSpeedMaxRpm   ;     // motor wheel max RPM  [25]
   int motorSpeedMaxPwm  ;      // motor wheel max Pwm  (8-bit PWM=255, 10-bit PWM=1023) [255]
   float motorPowerMax   ;      // motor wheel max power (Watt)
   PID motorLeftPID;            // motor left wheel PID controller [Kp=1.5 , Kd=0.29, Ki=0.25]
   PID motorRightPID;           // motor right wheel PID controller
   float motorSenseRightScale ; // motor right sense scale (mA=(ADC-zero)/scale)
   float motorSenseLeftScale ;  // motor left sense scale  (mA=(ADC-zero)/scale)
   int motorRollTimeMax ;       // max. roll time (ms)
   int motorRollTimeMin  ;      // min. roll time (ms)
   int motorReverseTime ;       // max. reverse time (ms)
   long motorForwTimeMax;       // max. forward time (ms) / timeout
   float motorBiDirSpeedRatio1 ;// bidir mow pattern speed ratio 1
   float motorBiDirSpeedRatio2 ;// bidir mow pattern speed ratio 2
   bool motorRightSwapDir     ; // inverse right motor direction? 
   bool motorLeftSwapDir      ; // inverse left motor direction?  
   int motorLeftSpeedRpmSet ;   // set speed
   int motorRightSpeedRpmSet ;
   float motorLeftPWMCurr ;     // current speed
   float motorRightPWMCurr ;
   int motorRightSenseADC ;
   int motorLeftSenseADC ;
   float motorLeftSenseCurrent ;     
   float motorRightSenseCurrent ;
   float motorLeftSense ;       // motor power (range 0..MAX_MOTOR_POWER)
   float motorRightSense ;
   int motorPowerIgnoreTime; 
   int motorZeroSettleTime;     // how long (ms) to wait for motor to settle at zero speed
   int motorLeftSenseCounter ;  // motor current counter
   int motorRightSenseCounter ;
   unsigned long nextTimeMotorSense ;
   unsigned long lastSetMotorSpeedTime;
   unsigned long motorLeftZeroTimeout;
   unsigned long motorRightZeroTimeout;
   boolean rotateLeft;
   unsigned long nextTimeRotationChange;

Motor Methods

First the basic function that control the pwm to each motors:

 void setMotorPWM(int pwmLeft, int pwmRight, boolean useAccel);

A general methods to test motors

 void testMotors();

Then, there are several MotorControl methods according to mower state :

if current state is 'STATE_PERI_TRACK' then

 void motorControlPerimeter();

 void motorControlImuRoll();
 void motorControlImuDir();

for all other case :

 void motorControl();
 // This method calculate pwm to set in order to respect rpm setpoint according current rpm and Kp, Ki, Kd parameter

Motors testing

Run the serial console (Arduino IDE: CTRL+SHIFT+M, 19200 Baud) and press 'd' and ENTER for menu. Then press '1' and ENTER to run the motor test.

Test consist of the following sequence :

  • Left motor : Forward half speed
  • Left motor : Reverse full speed
  • Right motor : Forward half speed
  • Right motor : Reverse full speed

NB : If motor rotation is inverse to what is expected, then you need to switch the wiring at the outlet of motor controller.